Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great time visiting their families. I will be spending the Thanksgiving Day in Springfield by myself, but I will see everyone Saturday, at some point. Lets hope that Friday is going to be a quiet day for admissions, but then you never know. Pleople might be having heart attacks because they are stressed out by the huge lines at the stores and being unable to find a close parking spot.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thanks to DayCare, Our first ED visit...

So Yesterday morning Tomasz woke-up with a terrible cough, runny nose, fever, and what appeared to be some difficulty in breathing. So I called the pediatrician and went to the office. The pediatrician checked him out and said that his lungs were very clear and that he has a really bad cold with fever. Just give him some tylenol and ibuprofen and ride it out. She did say that if he got worse to call her. Well I get home from work last night to find Tomasz relaxed yet breathing REALLY HARD...although I knew he was getting enough oxygen in because his color was good.

So per the doctor's instruction I called her office (before 5:00 pm). I was on hold for ten minutes (that is fine, I know I am not the only person with a sick child). When I got someone on the phone, I was thoroughly disappointed and pissed off at the conversation that followed....

Me: I am Tomasz Dynda's mom and the Dr. told me to call if the baby was getting worse.

Bitch: the doctor is not here, the office is closing, and that you should just go to the Emergency Department.

Me: Can you please page the doctor?

Bitch: no we are closed and your Dr. is not on call.

Me: Can you page the doctor on call?

Bitch: he only worked half a day. You should just take your son to the Emergency Department. We are closing now?

Me: Ma'am my son does not understand that he should only be sick during business hours. Doctors who are on-call are payed to call patients back any time day or night. And if you are so concerned about going home at the close of business hours then I suggest you become a bank teller!


I took Tomasz to the Emergency Department (and surprisingly it was a wonderful experience from check-in to check-out with all staff included). Tomasz does NOT have a bad cold, he has Croup (viral infection of the larynx causing swelling, difficult breathing, a cough that sounds like a seal). He was given some more Ibuprofen for his fever, a shot of steroids (he did not like that) to help with the swelling in his throat, and a breathing treatment to help his breathing. We got to the ED at 5:30 and were home by 8:00.

I am happy to report that Tomasz slept through most of the night, with just a few bouts of coughing at 3 am that didn't wake him up, and he finally woke-up at 6 am.

He gets tired, so he takes breaks between playing. God forbid he should just lay down for one day. He is breathing much better, with no fever, and relaxed (because crying and stress make it act up).

So the good thing for as not to stress him out and make him cry, for the next week (until this goes away) he will get whatever he wants ;)

Love you all